This is an anonymous survey intended to gauge the interests and needs of consumers between the ages of 16-40 for the improvement of fashion materials and services and (most especially) for a new and exciting project!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. - Mary Sheehan Warren

State or Province / Country:
1. My primary means of communication among family members and friends: (Choose no more than one or two.)
2. How often do you use Social Media Applications (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc.)?
3. In which Social Media Application do you spend the most time?
4. Do you purchase clothing on-line and if so what percentage of your wardrobe has been purchased on-line?
5. The on-line shopping site/s where you have the most satisfaction is/are:
6. The store/s (not on-line) where you have the most satisfaction for fashion purchasing is/are: 
7. How much confidence do you have about your purchases? (In other words, how good do you feel in your clothes?)
8. Please check your top 3 choices for topics to learn regarding fashion:
10. Currently, the most important responsibility of the fashion industry is:
9. Currently, the most important issue facing the fashion consumer is: 
11. "I think that fashion should be..."(finish the sentence.)
12." The single greatest factor for influencing my decision to buy a fashion item is..." (finish the sentence.)
This is the end of the survey. Thank you for your input.
Would you like to see the results of this survey unfold before your very eyes? Enter your email Address for Newsletter (Optional)
Telephone (land line)
Mobile phone (voice to voice)
Mobile phone (texting)
Social Media
Never; I don't even have an account set up.
Never; I neglect my account/s.
Often, (several times a week.)
Occasionally (Several times a month.)
No more than once or twice a day.
Rarely (Once a month at most.)
Many times a day.
Snap Chat
Yes (Choose from below)
A great amount of confidence / good
Some confidence / Okay
Very little confidence / Somewhat okay
No confidence / not good
Elements of Style (color, body type, fashion pesonality)
How to put together a personal casual wardrobe
How to put together a wardrobe for work
How to accessorize.
How to stay update my look / stay current
How to consume fashion in a way that does not hurt the environment
How to consume fashion in a way which supports ethical business practices
How to better understand marketing strategies for more intelligent consumption
How to consume fashion in a way which does not endorse an unhealthy body image