
​ISY Fashion is based in the Washington DC Metro Area.
"Make happy those who are near, and those who are far will come." - Chinese Proverb
Copyright 2007 by Mary Sheehan Warren. Site hosted by Homestead Technologies.

"I really don't know which service to choose. Help me!"

If you would like a little help with your fashion, answer the questions below and we'll make a suggestion for the best service for you.

First Name:
Email Address: *
City, State/Province, Country: *
Rate each statement below on the corresponding scale.
I have a tight budget for buying clothing and accessories.
I have tons and tons of clothes. It's kind out of control.
I am quite frustrated with fashion.
I hate shopping!
​I need someone to get into my closet and help me clean it out.
Please click "submit" when finished.
very falsefalsetruevery true
very falsefalsetruevery true
very falsefalsetruevery true
very falsefalsetruevery true
very falsefalsetruevery true